8/28開催 第8回特別講演会“Fast and Fluorescent Multiplexing Confocal Fluorescence Lifetime Imaging”
- 2019/07/24
この度、光創起イノベーション研究拠点では、McMaster UniversityのQiyin Fang先生をお招きして特別講演会を開催しますのでご案内します。
Qiyin Fang教授は、バイオフォトニクスを専門とし、分光、画像誘導型低侵襲診断および治療装置、小型MOEMSセンサーとイメージングシステム、先端的な光学顕微鏡とその新たな用途について研究されています。また、SPIEのFellowでVisiting Lecturerも務めておられます。
innovative Photonics Evolution Research Center 8th Special Seminar
■光創起イノベーション研究拠点 第8回特別講演会
“Fast and Fluorescent Multiplexing Confocal Fluorescence Lifetime Imaging”
Qiyin Fang,Ph.D.(Professor of Engineering Physics and Biomedical Engineering)
Date:2:00pm-3:00pm, August 28(Wed), 2019
Location:Large Conference Room, S-Port 3F,Shizuoka University
In confocal microscopy, a single foci is raster scanned to form a 2-dimension or 3-dimension image. To speed up such slow scan process, multiple foci can be used, e.g. through the use of a spinning disc. We developed a new multiplexing confocal technique that scans a 2D foci array only on the target but not on the imager. Such methods allow the use of next generation discrete CMOS detector arrays and can achieves high throughput without sacrificing resolution, ideal for drug screening applications.
Qiyin Fang is currently a Professor at McMaster University and Canada Research Chair in Biophotonics. Prior to joining McMaster, Dr. Fang was with the Minimally Invasive Surgical Technology Institute of Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles. Dr. Fang obtained his BSc (Physics) from Nankai University, his MSc (applied physics) and PhD (Biomedical Physics) from East Carolina University. His current research interests include optical spectroscopy and image guided minimally invasive diagnostic and therapeutic devices, miniaturized MOEMS sensors and imaging systems, and advanced optical microscopy and their emerging applications. Dr. Fang is a Fellow and visiting lecturer of SPIE.
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