国立大学法人 静岡大学(静岡市駿河区)、
国立大学法人 浜松医科大学(浜松市中央区)、
学校法人 光産業創成大学院大学(浜松市中央区)、
- そこでは、光を識り、光を使うことが究められる。
- そこでは、世界トップレベルの光の基礎/応用研究が行われる。
- そこでは、世界が望む光製品/光技術が開発される。
- そこでは、世界から、光の本質を解明し、光を自在に操ろうとする学生/研究者/医学者/技術者/市民/起業家/企業/大学/研究機関が集い、刺激しあう。
- そこでは、これからの光応用産業発展の主役である
ベンチャー企業や中小企業が活発に活動する。 - そこでは、光の面白さ、光の無限の可能性を若い世代に向け、発信し、教育がなされる。
われわれ、国立大学法人 静岡大学、国立大学法人 浜松医科大学、学校法人 光産業創成大学院大学、浜松ホトニクス株式会社は、「光の
< 今後の活動方針 >
- ■ 本「宣言」に謳う「光の
尖端都市 HAMAMATSU」の実現を図る。 - ■ この実現にあたり、主体的で積極的な活動を行う。
- ■ 「光の
尖端都市 HAMAMATSU」は、光の最先端の研究をめざし、世界と交流する。 - ■ 「光の
尖端都市 HAMAMATSU」は、光の産業化を恒に意識する。 - ■ 「光の
尖端都市 HAMAMATSU」は、ベンチャー企業等の迅速な動きに対応する支援を行う。 - ■ 「光の
尖端都市 HAMAMATSU」は、国や県市の施策との連動を図り、我が国の基礎研究/応用研究の進展、産業競争力の強化に貢献する。
Establishing Hamamatsu as a Preeminent Photonics City:
Photonics Declaration 2013 in Hamamatsu
Photonics science and photonics industries
The development of photonics science and the resulting expansion of photonics industries throughout the 21st century will usher in an era of photonics, when light will play an even greater role for mankind.
Light has unlimited potential, and us humans have explored only a small part of it. The human race will continue its endless challenge for identifying the essence of light and manipulating it freely. This challenge is the driving force for evolving both photonics science and photonics industries.
Photonics science, photonics industry and Hamamatsu
In 1926, television was born in the city of Hamamatsu. It was a great achievement that set off the prosperity of the electronics industry in the 20th century and heralded the rise of the photonics industry in the 21st century. The technology evolved into the photonics industry in Hamamatsu, where the research of photonics science was continued, fulfilling a major role in social development.
If light has no limitations, the industrial application of light should expand further to make even greater contributions to the happiness of mankind. If that is the case, what can Hamamatsu do as we approach the centenary of the development of television?
Preeminent Photonics City, Hamamatsu
Hamamatsu is an ordinary regional city, which is neither a political nor economic center of Japan.
Yet, the world knows “Hamamatsu.” The world's attention is upon the city. Why?
That is because Hamamatsu is home to people who identify unlimited potential in the industrial application of light and continue to test the limits of photonics technology. Hamamatsu has numerous organizations that have made a number of achievements in research and development involving light. However, given the amount of issues faced by the Earth and human race, light should offer greater benefits, which we must take advantage of. This is why we wish to give a "new mission" to Hamamatsu and turn it into reality.
Establish Hamamatsu into a Preeminent Photonics City, where brilliant minds from around the world would want to study and engage in R&D even just once.
Establish Hamamatsu into a Preeminent Photonics City that creates innovative photonics science and industries for the world:
Wherein researchers explore how to weave and use light;
Wherein fundamental and applied photonics research of the world's highest level is carried out;
Wherein photonics products/technologies that the world desires are developed;
Wherein students, researchers, doctors, engineers, citizens, entrepreneurs, businesses, universities and research institutes seeking to identify the essence of light and gain the ability to freely manipulate it, gather from around the world to inspire each other;
Wherein venture businesses and small/medium-sized businesses will play a leading role in developing applied photonics industries and engage in energetic activities;
Wherein the intriguing nature and limitless potential of light are communicated and educated to younger generations.
Shizuoka University, Hamamatsu University School of Medicine, the Graduate School for the Creation of New Photonics Industries, and Hamamatsu Photonics K.K. will work in close partnership in all actions that could lead to establishing Hamamatsu as a Preeminent Photonics City.
June 11, 2013
Future action policies
Work toward establishing Hamamatsu as a Preeminent Photonics City, as stated in this Declaration.
Take an initiative in actively working toward this goal.
Preeminent Photonics City Hamamatsu will network with the rest of the world to achieve cutting-edge photonics research.
Preeminent Photonics City Hamamatsu will constantly remain conscious about the industrial application of light.
Preeminent Photonics City Hamamatsu will extend assistance in response to swift moves by venture businesses.
Preeminent Photonics City Hamamatsu will coordinate with the measures of national, prefectural and municipal authorities to contribute to advancing Japan's basic research and applied research, and reinforcing its industrial competitiveness.
- 2025/01/21
- 第18回iPERCセミナーを開催しました
- 2024/09/06
- 第17回iPERCセミナーを開催しました
光創起イノベーション研究拠点棟 〈光創起研究棟〉
〒432-8011 静岡県浜松市中央区城北3丁目5-1 国立大学法人静岡大学浜松キャンパス内
TEL:053-478-3271 / FAX:053-478-3256